DEAL OF THE DAY: The Beatles / The US Albums 13CD box set
The recently announced 13CD box set of The Beatles Capitol albums is due for release on 20 January 2014.
Each CD in The U.S. Albums box set has mono and stereo versions of each album (with a couple of exceptions) and exquisite packaging with vinyl replica jackets, inner sleeves reproduced to exacting detail and with Yesterday And Today even being supplied with a sticker of the ‘trunk’ cover which you can paste over the infamous ‘butcher’ sleeve (or not!).
Anyway, the cheapest place to pick this up is Amazon Canada where it is currently only $135 Canadian, which is £78, or a little over HALF the cost of the set on Amazon UK (£145). Obviously, remember to factor in shipping fees and concerns about import duty (if applicable) but still worthy of ‘Deal of the Day’!
By Paul Sinclair