Amazon change their policy on shipping international orders to Australia

Amazon have revisited their decision to block Australian customers from using their international sites and will now accept some orders from overseas.
The online global retailer had previously announced that due to new GST (Goods and Services Tax) rules, they would no longer ship overseas from other Amazon sites to customers in Australia. This caused much frustration to Australian consumers – and, pertinent to SDE, Aussie music fans – particularly because the Australian Amazon is regarded as very much a work-in-progress with limited stock and often not very competitive prices.
“As a result of customer feedback, from November 22 Amazon customers will be able to ship eligible items from to Australian delivery addresses,” an Amazon spokeswoman said. Note that shipping from other Amazons, including the UK, Germany and France is still not permitted and Australians using the US site will be limited to products sold by Amazon direct and not third-party sellers.
Still, it’s a start and a move in the right direction, and hopefully over time all the international stores will be open to people based in Australia, allowing access to SDE ‘Deal Alerts’ and the like.
By Paul Sinclair