Disney tease Let It Be announcement
Is the original cut imminent on Disney+ ?

Walt Disney Studios are teasing what looks to be an announcement about The Beatles Let It Be.
On their social channels, they’ve posted the message “There will be an answer…” alongside a graphic which depicts white boxes in place of the four photos on the cover of their 1970 album Let It Be with the words ‘At Last…’ at the top, in the same font used for the Let It Be reissue. The familiar Beatles logo is at the bottom and a discreet red apple sits bottom, right.
This is almost certainly going to be about the entertainment giant making available the original cut of Michael Lindsay-Hogg’s documentary film, fully restored by Peter Jackson and his team.
Let It Be has never officially been issued on DVD or, of course, blu-ray, but it did make it to Laserdisc and VHS. It is likely that Disney will keep it exclusive to their Disney+ streaming channel, before perhaps approving a home video release towards the end of this year for the Christmas/gifting market.
Let It Be offers alternative performances and of course it has important historical value, but with everyone having seen the newly cut Get Back the original film’s limitations and the lack of jeopardy (Jackson’s ‘calendar’ narrative was a masterstroke) may be all too apparent. The Rooftop Concert sequence in Get Back is also infinitely better than the original, for example.
Nevertheless, it’s good news and Apple Corp did promise to make the original cut available again, in due course, way back in January 2019, even if that promise has never been referenced again, since.
By Paul Sinclair