

Joan Armatrading / How Did This Happen and What Does It Now Mean?

New studio album

In November, Joan Armatrading will release How Did This Happen And What Does It Now Mean, the British singer-songwriter’s 21st studio album.

The album – entirely written, produced, programmed and engineered by Joan herself – features ‘I’m Not Moving’. Joan wrote this track immediately after witnessing some alarmingly confrontational public behaviour by a young person. She explains the scenario:

He was like ‘I’m going to kill everybody! I’m not moving! You can get the police! You can’t move me!’ All the lyrics just flowed, in one, and I knew it had to have an aggression, because that’s how he was. I did a version of it that was a little bit milder, but you could tell that wasn’t it.

Joan Armatrading

The album was recorded this year and features two instrumemtals, showcasing Armatrading’s talents as a guitarist.

How Did This Happen And What Does It Now Mean is released on 22 November 2024, via BMG. Signed CD and vinyl editions are available via the Joan Armatrading official shop.

Joan Armatrading Shop Highlights


How Did This Happen and What Does It Now Mean Joan Armatrading /

      1. 25 Kisses
      2. Someone Else
      3. Irresistible
      4. I’m Not Moving
      5. Say It Tomorrow
      6. Back And Forth
      7. Come Back To Me (If Only In Dreams)
      8. Here’s What I Know
      9. Redemption Love
      10. How Did This Happen And What Does It Now Mean
      11. Now What
      12.  I Gave You My Keys

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