Paul McCartney / Japanese mini-LP SHM-CDs
‘Paper sleeve’ / vinyl replica CDs

Paul McCartney’s first five post-Beatles albums are being issued as limited edition Japanese mini-LP SHM-CDs (compatible with all CD players).
These are sometimes called ‘paper sleeve’ editions and and each are presented as vinyl replica CDs with the usual exacting standards from Japan including OBI-strip, extra booklet with Japanese lyrics, ‘rice paper’ sleeve for disc protection and re-sealable outer clear sleeve. The albums in question are:
- Paul McCartney / McCartney (1970)
- Paul & Linda McCartney / Ram (1971)
- Wings / Wildlife (1971)
- Paul McCartney and Wings / Red Rose Speedway (1973)
- Paul McCartney and Wings / Band on the Run (1973)
These editions really normally are incredible and match the originals in amazing detail, so Ram and Red Rose Speedway will both be gatefolds, Band on the Run includes the poster, Red Rose Speedway includes the original booklet and so on.
Masterings are all as per the original Archive Collection releases, so 2010 for Band on the Run, 2011 for McCartney, 2012 for Ram, and 2018 for Wild Life and Red Rose Speedway. Band on the Run features the 9-track UK version of the album (no ‘Helen Wheels’) and all the albums are ‘album-only’ with no bonus tracks.
These are extremely limited, but the SDE shop has secured a guaranteed allocation and is offering them only as a 5CD bundle, which you can order via this link or the buttons below. Strictly one bundle per customer please (multiple orders will be cancelled).
All five are released on 20 September 2024.

McCartney Paul McCartney /
- The Lovely Linda
- That Would Be Something
- Valentine Day
- Every Night
- Hot as Sun/Glasses
- Junk
- Man We Was Lonely
- Oo You
- Momma Miss America
- Teddy Boy
- Singalong Junk
- Maybe I’m Amazed
- Kreen-Akrore

Ram Paul and Linda McCartney /
- Too Many People
- 3 Legs
- Ram On
- Dear Boy
- Uncle Albert/Admiral Halsey
- Smile Away
- Heart of the Country
- Monkberry Moon Delight
- Eat at Home
- Long Haired Lady
- Ram On (Reprise)
- The Back Seat

Wild Life Wings /
- Mumbo
- Bip Bop
- Love Is Strange
- Wild Life
- Some People Never Know
- I Am Your Singer
- Bip Bop (Link
- Tomorrow
- Dear Friend
- Mumbo (Link

Red Rose Speedway Paul McCartney and Wings /
- Big Barn Bed
- My Love
- Get on the Right Thing
- One More Kiss
- Little Lamb Dragonfly
- Single Pigeon
- When the Night
- Loup (1st Indian on the Moon
- Medley: Hold Me Tight / Lazy Dynamite / Hands of Love / Power Cut

Band on the Run Paul McCartney and Wings /
- Band on the Run
- Jet
- Bluebird
- Mrs. Vandebilt
- Let Me Roll It
- Mamunia
- No Words
- Picasso’s Last Words (Drink to Me)
- Nineteen Hundred and Eighty Five
By Paul Sinclair