Saturday Deluxe / 9 July 2016

Week two of running the shop
Phew! I’m in the second week of running the brand new SDE online store and it turns out this retail malarkey is quite hard work…
It’s also highly satisfying. We’re loving taking orders, packaging items up with care and attention and shipping stuff out. Although so far we’ve been concentrating on selling CDs, T-shirts and bundles related to the SDE-curated It’s Immaterial reissue, there is going to be more stock coming next week. I’m looking forward to surprising you with interesting items. I should also point out that if you’ve ordered anything up to and including yesterday, your stuff is on the way. Everything has been despatched.
Because is concentrating on curated bundles, and physical music box sets and reissues, often quantities will be limited. That is why I’d strongly encourage you to sign up to the mailing list because when new items are added to the store, the people who have subscribed to get hear about them early. They get ‘first dibs’, basically. You can subscribe below.
We will happily ship internationally, although it’s only when you do these things yourself that your realise just how expensive it is to ship a £150 box set that weighs 3kg to the USA or Australia. For these kind of expensive items that need insuring, we will sometimes ask you to get in touch for a bespoke shipping quote.
Shipping issues are, not to put to fine a point on it, a bloody headache and one of the biggest challenges with this kind of enterprise, to be honest. I want shipping costs to be fair and unlike many eBay sellers we won’t be using shipping as a tool to make money. What you will pay is more or less what it costs us to package items up and send them off. For the It’s Immaterial T-shirt and CD bundles for example, we’ve managed to package them so they can be sent as Royal Mail ‘Large Letter’ – that means for shipping within the UK the cost for the bundle is £2.50. If you just buy the CD, that’s only £1.50. Hope you’ll agree that that isn’t too bad.
The trouble is, we’ve been spoilt by the likes of Amazon, whose scale and overall customer strategy means they can suppress the true cost of sending items in the post.
Anyway, hope you will stay in touch and follow me on this ‘journey’ – if any record labels (or similar) out there have a store room full of old box set stock of ‘overstocks’, do get in touch, because I might be interested in selling on the new SDE shop!
Visit here. You can also follow on Facebook.
By Paul Sinclair