Tears For Fears Dolby Atmos Playback competition

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Tears For Fears Dolby Atmos playback event

Terms and conditions


The event will take place on 25 February 2022. Existing The Tipping Point pre-orders via SDE will automatically be entered in the draw. Winners are responsible for their own travel and accommodation. Open only to UK entrants who are 18 years of age or older at time of entry. Competition closes at midnight GMT on 20 February 2022. Ordering the album enters you into a prize draw and is not a guarantee of entry. Tickets are non-transferable.

We’ll contact the randomly chosen winners via email on 21 February 2022. Winners will be subject to proving eligibility, including, but not limited to, verification of the Winners’ name, age, and email address. If Winners cannot furnish verifiable and valid proof of age within twenty-four (24) hours after being notified of winning the sweepstakes or Winners cannot be contacted within a reasonable period of time, alternate Winners may be chosen from among the eligible entries received. Void where prohibited and restricted by law. Additional restrictions may apply.

Super Deluxe Edition and / or Artist reserves the right to cancel or modify the Competition for any reason.

To obtain the name of the Winner (available after 21 February 2022) send a self-addressed stamped envelope to: Tears For Fears Dolby Atmos Playback Competition, SuperDeluxeEdition.com, PO Box 68477, London N16 1EN. Requests must be received by March 3rd 2022.