
Saturday Deluxe / 27 Aug 2016

New PIL boxes coming

Public Image Limited are to reissue two albums later this year…

1979’s Metal Box and Album from 1986 (which features the brilliant hit single Rise) will be celebrated as super deluxe edition box sets by Universal in October 2016. The news was announced to fans who subscribe to the PIL mailing list yesterday. More information on this when we have it.


SDE featured on BBC Radio 4

BBC Radio 4’s consumer programme, You and Yours, this week took a look at the phenomenon of the super deluxe edition music box set. SDE Editor Paul Sinclair was invited on as to discuss the attraction of buying physical multi-disc boxes. You can listen to the interview using the link below (might be some regional restrictions). SDE bit starts at around 21 minutes in.

Listen to SDE’s Paul Sinclair on BBC Radio 4


Man Who Fell To Earth book

Pre-orders have opened today for the limited edition Man Who Fell To Earth book. This is a standalone tome than has nothing to do with any of the box sets. It’s described by its publishers as a  “cloth-style covered HUGE 4 kg hardcover LARGE FORMAT hand numbered 1/1000 Book – Fully Authorised by StudioCanal Films Limited. A true collectors gem.” Orders placed today are guaranteed to get one of the 500 numbered books and a limited 8 x 10 still.

More information and ordering details here


More info on Erasure box set

The forthcoming Erasure anthology box set will be a 13-disc collection called From Moscow to Mars. It will feature over 200 tracks, include the Wild! concert on DVD, a collection of B-sides (as we knew), classic and (groan) “brand new” remixes, singles, live tracks, demos and unreleased rarities. The discs are curated by Andy and Vince and this includes a photobook, postcard set and the all important ‘space passport’… See the video below which was issued as a teaser by the band/label recently.

SuperDeluxeEdition.com helps fans around the world discover physical music and discuss releases. To keep the site free, SDE participates in various affiliate programs, including Amazon and earns from qualifying purchases.


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